Accident Claims in Bristol: No Win No Fee Injury Claims

If you have been involved in an accident and need legal help from a Bristol injury claim solicitor**, then call our number today for a no obligation discussion. We offer free guidance for Bristol residents and workers and all the solicitors** we partner with work on a no win no fee* basis – meaning you can make Bristol accident claims easily and quickly.

Bristol Accident Claims – How it Works

We have over a decade of experience in helping people to get compensation for injuries and financial losses. Bristol residents and workers can call us 7 days a week to discuss an injury claim with us straight away. This is how the process works, it’s very simple and straight-forward.

  1. Call our number and have details of your accident claim to hand.
  2. Our friendly experts will ask you a couple of questions about the accident.
  3. If we feel there is an accident claim to be made, we will inform you.
  4. You will then be passed to a solicitor.

If you have had an accident in Bristol that you would like to claim for, then try to gather as much information as possible. This includes aspects such as witness details, photographs, and receipts of any expenses incurred, as well as being able to access medical records if you had treatment. Having all of this information to hand will help us process your Bristol accident claim a lot easier and quicker.

Accident Claims in Bristol: Why Us?

Accident Claims Solicitors Bristol
We serve all of Bristol, including Avon and Somerset too.

We have years of experience in the personal injury industry, and have access to the best personal injury solicitors** in Bristol. We have friendly staff, all of whom are trained to the highest standards in customer service, as well as being experts when it comes to the personal injury legal process.

Furthermore, we will connect you up with accident claims solicitors** serving Bristol who are local to you. They will proceed with your case personally and keep you informed each and every step of the way, but more importantly will fight to get you as much personal injury compensation as possible. We are fully ratified by the FCA in order to work on your case and have a fantastic reputation within the industry.

Accident Claim Solicitors for Bristol

There are many solicitors in Bristol who can help you in seeking compensation. Bristol residents though should really look to use a specialist company, which is what we are. We know the law, know the processes, and help thousands of people throughout the UK each and every year with personal injury. Because of that we can offer a superior services to many other solicitors and are the number one choice for so many people in Bristol, Avon, and Somerset. Please call us today to discuss your case so that we can start the process as soon as possible for you.

Accident Claim Types We Can Help With

Car Accident Claims in Bristol

Road traffic and car crash claims are amongst the most common Bristol injury claims that we help clients with, typical injuries sustained from car accidents are: whiplash, head, brain, and neck injuries. In fact, if you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, and believe you could be eligible for compensation for your injuries, then simply phone us today or complete the claims form to find out more.

Whiplash Injury Claims in Bristol

One of the more common form of accident and personal injury claim is for whiplash compensation. Whiplash compensation has had some bad press over the last couple of years, but we don’t feel that should stop genuinely injured car drivers being able to make claiming for whiplash a difficult process. As long as we have some medical proof that you have suffered, then we will be able to proceed with a whiplash injury claim for you.

Work Injuries and Incidents

Accidents at work are another area that we focus on as a speciality. Your employer has a legal requirement to make sure that you work in safety. Even if they have done that, then accidents can still happen. If you would like to talk to us about an incident at your place of work, including asbestos compensation claims, industrial deafness, industrial disease, industrial injury compensation including slips, trips, and falls then please contact us.

This can also apply to office workers who might have become injured, and doesn’t just apply to those working in manual conditions, such as workmen involved in construction and factories. Whilst we don’t have an online accident at work compensation calculator, our solicitors** can very quickly give you an estimate of how much you as the injured party could receive.

Injury Claims Bristol: Talk to Us Today for No Win No Fee Claims

Call us now on our telephone number, or complete the form on this page if you would like us to call you back. Once we have assessed the circumstances of your claim, then we can get one of our solicitors** to become your representative and begin the claim’s process. All of our injury solicitors** are very professional and friendly with years of experience in handling accident and injury claims and work on a no win, no fee* basis – call today.

Telephone 01174 534 375^ today for accident claims guidance in Bristol.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim Today

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