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Former pipefitter wins compensation for asbestosis

Posted in: Asbestos Exposure Employer Negligence Industrial Deafness and Disease 

A former pipefitter who approached his union following a diagnosis of the incurable lung disease, asbestosis, has been awarded compensation after winning his claim against a former employer. 64-year-old Michael Adcock developed the disease after having worked for 18 years for a Leicestershire engineering company refurbishing boilers that had asbestos in their insulation. As part of his job, Mr Adcock had to remove insulation from boilers manually which caused asbestos dust to be in the air and then settle on his skin, hair and clothing. It was learned that he had worked at the company for four years before being offered any protection for breathing in the dust or protective clothing.

“too little too late”

Mr Adcock went to his GP when he started to experience shortness of breath and was referred to specialists for further tests. The tests revealed that he was suffering from the incurable lung disease which is contracted following long-term exposure to asbestos. He claimed that he had worked for years with no knowledge of the dangers he was facing by working unprotected with the material. He added that by the time his ex-employers had made him aware of the hazards of working with asbestos it was “quite literally too little too late”.

A spokesman for the union confirmed that like many other people, Mr Adcock had been working unknowingly with asbestos without being aware of the dangers, which had subsequently caused irreversible damage to their health.  Since he has claimed for provisional damages, it means that he can claim for further compensation should his health deteriorate further.

If you suffer with an asbestos-related illness, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us. 


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