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Blueprint to improve safety in the waste industry

Posted in: Workplace Injuries 

A blueprint for addressing the terrible toll of death, injury and ill health for workers in the waste and recycling industry is to be published following a landmark summit.

Senior figures from across the sector met in Solihull to agree the key health and safety issues facing the industry and what needs to be done to tackle its poor health and safety record.

Between 2004/5 and 2011/12, the HSE received reports of 97 employees and 19 members of the public being fatally injured – and 3,722 employees suffering major injuries – in waste and recycling activities.

The event, aimed at building consensus and bringing together key players in the industry, was organised by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Waste Industry Safety and Health (WISH) Forum.

The plan will be published in April following ratification by WISH and will contain sections on leadership, competence, worker involvement, support for small business, and creating safer, healthier workplaces.


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