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Brain injury patients face devastating cuts

Posted in: Head and Brain Injuries Medical Negligence 

Those who suffer with a brain injury are to face savage cuts to rehabilitation services, resulting in thousands of patients being denied help. This finding comes as a result of an investigation carried out by the brain injury charity, Headway, who worry that the cuts will cost the taxpayer far more money in the long run. 

Millions of sufferers in the UK have been forced to settle for a poorer quality of living after local authority, NHS funding and welfare budget reforms has led to rehabilitation and support services being withdrawn. 

A consultant at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Headway Trustee, Colin Shieff, argued that rehabilitation is an essential aspect of treating a brain injury. Rehabilitation allows suffers to regain some of their independence, reduce their reliance on long-term care, and generally improve their quality of life.

“A false economy”

A survey carried out by Headway found that half of the questioned 500 survivors of brain injuries reported that they had lost access to rehabilitation and support services. The charity argues that these cuts are devastating and will result in people being forced to become more dependent on expensive, long-term care.

Luke Griggs, of Headway, said: “Cutting rehabilitation services or reducing access to them is a false economy, as it reduces the chances of people with brain injury regaining their independence.

If you have suffered a head injury or have been affected by medical negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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