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Drive Safely This Christmas in Bristol to Avoid Accidents and Personal Injury

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents 

With Christmas fast approaching we wanted to firstly wish all our customers and clients a very happy Christmas, but also warn about the dangers present over the Christmas period. As personal injury solicitors** and lawyers** we often see a spike in people reporting accident claims in Bristol over the festive period, and whilst we are always here to help with any personal injury claims, we would rather the residents of Bristol remain safe and injury free.

This is particularly pertinent with the release of a new road safety video that has just been released by the UK government’s THINK! road safety website.  You can see that video below.

Avoid Road Traffic Accidents in Bristol

Think! Road Safety
The Think! Road Safety campaign is very relevant at Christmas.

Road traffic accidents are one of the most common form of injury that lead to personal injury claims in the United Kingdom each year. As personal injury solicitors we see so many people whose lives and that of their families have been drastically changed due to road accidents. It’s easy to understand why the Christmas period sees an increase in accidents, with people driving long distances to see family, alcohol being involved, plus adverse weather conditions all playing their part.

Dangers are dramatically increased over this period. So please drive safely this Christmas, don’t take any unnecessary risks, don’t drive any unnecessary journeys, definitely don’t drink and drive – and above all just be careful so you don’t need to call us to make a personal injury claim.

Need Personal Injury Claims in Bristol?

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident in Bristol and would like to talk to a qualified personal injury lawyer then please contact us to discuss the no win no fee* options that we are able to offer people living and working in Bristol.


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