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Former partner suing NHS trust for £1million

Posted in: Birth Injury Head and Brain Injuries Medical Negligence Wrongful & Accidental Death 

The former partner of a woman who fell into a coma after giving birth to a son, who later died, is suing the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust for £1million. 46-year-old Christian Cooper remains in a ‘minimally responsive state’ and lives in a nursing home after suffering the heart attack at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in July 2005. 

Her former partner, Julian Harrington, claims that hospital staff failed to explain the possible risks involved in a conventional delivery. Ms Cooper had given birth to her two previous children by Caesarean, and the ‘catastrophic sequence of events’ around her pregnancy caused the operation scar to rupture. Severe birthing complications then developed during her labour, and surgeons were forced to deliver the baby by crash caesarean.

“massive brain injury”

Mr Harrington is now suing the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, which denies responsibility for her current condition, on behalf of Ms Cooper. The family’s QC said that doctors should have informed Ms Cooper that there was a risk of her caesarean scar rupturing if she underwent a conventional birth.

Ms Cooper suffered a “massive brain injury” after enduring a cardiac arrest and multiple seizures four days after giving birth. The family’s QC said that this could all have been prevented if she had been encouraged to undergo an “elective” caesarean section.

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