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Never events in Plymouth hospitals

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

Plymouth NHS Trust has recently published a statement in which it reports five never events have taken place in its hospitals since November 2012.

According to the Department of Health, never events are serious patient safety incidents that, by definition, should never happen. Never events include events such as surgery on the wrong part of the body, or surgical instruments being left in the body after an operation.

In its statement, the NHS Trust says:

“The Trust takes these incidents extremely seriously and is taking appropriate action to improve patient safety.

“In each instance, the patient involved is aware of the incident, has been offered an apology and will be involved in the full investigation.

“As some of the events are very recent, we are still investigating and only when we know what the contributory factors and root causes are in each case can we take action to try to prevent a similar occurrence in future.”


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