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Care home patients ‘at risk’

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

A recent inspection at a West Haddon care home has made some worrying findings concerning health and safety precautions. Foxhill Manor Nursing Home currently provides long-term Nursing Care to 34 patients, Respite Care and Day Care 7 days a week; however, the Care Quality Commission inspectors found numerous faulty appliances, scalding tap water and broken windows at the home, all of which could cause serious injury.  Many patients that suffer with degenerative conditions, such as dementia, are treated at the home. With a ‘philosophy’ that “aims to provide its Service Users with a secure, relaxed and homely environment”, the CQC demanded that “urgent action” is taken to improve its safety standards.

“Serious concerns relating to the safety of the environment”

Following the CQC visits in June, only two of the seven key standards had been met by the care home. One inspector found that hot water in the second floor shower and the ground floor bathroom was between 54C (129F) and 56C (132F). It was also found that two of the bedrooms on the second floor had heavily damaged windows, and one of the bathroom doors was hanging off its hinges. In the CQC report, the inspectors said: “We also identified serious concerns relating to the safety of the environment.

Some of the issues raised by the CQC were passed onto the Health and Safety Executive for further inspection. The home has issued no comment regarding the report’s findings.

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