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Concerns raised over lack of health insurance for winter sport holidaymakers

Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad Sporting Injuries 

The Telegraph is warning skiers about the dangers of going on holiday without adequate insurance. Injury sustained whilst skiing or snowboarding tends to be serious, such as broken bones, dislocations and damage to ligaments and with many ski resorts being in remote locations, the price of emergency medical transport can be extremely high. The price of being caught without insurance, particularly in the US, can be exceptionally high and consideration must be given to personal liability, lost equipment, ski passes, lost days due to inclement weather as well as medical coverage.

Care taken with pre-existing health conditions

Contrary to many peoples’ understanding, standard annual travel insurance does not in many cases cover winter sport holidays. Specific to winter sport holidays, it is suggested that premiums should cover at least £3million to cover repatriation, mountain rescue etc. If you injure a third party, policy cover should be around £1million. Consideration should also be given to damage or loss of equipment, loss of ski pass and loss of use due to injury, illness or bad weather.

Standard travel insurance will cover lost luggage (ensuring cover for ski equipment), cancellation or curtailment, 24-hour emergency help line and travel delays. It is recommended that holidaymakers should remember to take their European Health Insurance Card when holidaying in European Economic Area countries, including Switzerland. It is also important that care be taken with age limits and pre-existing health conditions, off-piste skiing and skiing or snowboarding under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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