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Council putting ‘lives at risk’ along river avon after another student death

Posted in: Public Place Accidents Wrongful & Accidental Death 

A councillor has highlighted the potential dangers of the River Avon seeing as safety measures have still not been implemented following a report published three years ago. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) produced a report in 2011, which highlighted numerous areas for improvement following the death of university student James Bubear. Three years on, safety measures have still not been installed, with broken ladders and submerged grab lines putting “lives at risk”.

Independent councillor Dave Laming said that even though a safety railing was installed following the report, none of the other recommendations have been implemented and are therefore putting the public at risk. Only last week there was another tragedy in the river: 21-year-old Bath student Christopher Taylor who died after getting into some difficulty in the water. The death of Mr Taylor is the fourth fatality in recent years following those of student Kharunigan Jayanatham, graphic designer Casper Flagg and student James Bubear.

Willing to make more changes

Mr Laming argued that: “It doesn’t make a lot of sense when you’re drowning to have to dive four foot underwater to find the grab line to bring it up with you to save yourself”.  Bath and North East Somerset Council spokesman David Dixon said that major changes had been made in recent years, but that the council is willing to make more changes in response to the report.

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