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School accidents and abuse costing half a million pounds in compensation

Posted in: Foot Injuries Public Place Accidents School Accidents 

According to figures obtained through a Freedom of Information request, councils across the country have paid out almost half a million pounds to injured pupils in the last three years. Payouts included £21,845 to a student who suffered a playground injury due to ‘inadequate supervision’, and £13,358 to a pupil who suffered injury after having their foot trapped in a defective door.

The largest payout went to a group of pupils over “sexual abuse by teacher”. A total of £426,283 was paid out by Suffolk County Council, with a spokeswoman for the council saying that this sort of compensation figure was normal for the local authority.

“doing something to attempt to right a dreadful wrong”

Chief executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, Jonathan Isaby, said: “Clearly the priority when it comes to sexual abuse is doing something – anything – to attempt to right a dreadful wrong.” He continued to blame the cause of so many current cases on the fact that councils across the country are providing a ‘substandard environment’, which leads to large compensation payouts being made “at a time of necessary financial restraint”.

Other claims that contributed to the half-a-million-pound compensation bill included £9,007 going to a student who slipped on wet grass while wearing inappropriate footwear, and £6,382 to a pupil who had access to medication due to inappropriate supervision.

If your child has suffered an injury at school or in a public place, and you are looking to claim personal injury compensation, please contact us


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