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Worst street in country for potholes identified

Posted in: Pedestrian Injuries Pothole Injuries Road Traffic Accidents 

A street in Leeds has been labeled the worst stretch of road for potholes in the country after more than £500,000 in compensation has gone out to those that have sustained injuries on it. Kings Lane was found to be the worst street after a YEP, Yorkshire Evening Post, investigation uncovered the fact that Leeds City Council bosses have had to payout a total of £526,449 to personal injury claimants over the last four financial years.

Also during these four years, Leeds City Council, (which is already strapped for cash) received 1,167 claims for compensation for injuries regarding neglected or uneven pavements; it is not known how many of those were successful. These pavement payouts have been criticised by the TaxPayers’ Alliance, yet campaigners have argued for people with sight problems who may find uneven surfaces difficult to walk on.

108 claims in ten years

Around £65,000 was paid out in compensation to motorists during 2012-13 for problems caused by the poor condition of local roads.  Kings Lane has been responsible for 108 claims from drivers in the last decade.

A council spokesman said: “Leeds City Council allocates millions of pounds each year towards the repair of potholes in the city as part of its highway maintenance budget.” He continued by saying that repairs are made to roads on a daily basis by the council, with the likes of King Lane being top priority.

Recent figures have revealed that councils nationwide, across England, Wales and Scotland, have paid out a total of £2.5m in compensation for pothole or road damage in 2012-13.

If you have sustained an injury as a pedestrian or road user, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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