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£225K medical negligence compensation over misdiagnosis

Posted in: Medical Negligence Spine & Back Injuries 

A lorry driver has been awarded £225K in compensation after GPs on two separate occasions failed to identify Cauda Equina Syndrome. 54-year-old Martyn Wall injured his back five years ago while repositioning road signs from his lorry. When he attended his GP practice, however, he was told it was muscle strain and was prescribed basic painkillers. Due to the delay in treatment for the Cauda Equina Syndrome – a crippling back condition affecting the nerve roots of the spinal canal – Mr Wall has been left in constant pain and with irreversible nerve damage. 

“lost the majority of the feeling below the knees”

It was heard that Mr Wall went to his doctor on three occasions, with the first two Dorset GPs failing to identify his rapidly deteriorating neurological symptoms. On the third visit, however, he was referred for emergency treatment where an MRI scan revealed the fact that he needed urgent surgery if his bladder and bowel function were to be saved, as well as his mobility. Due to the delay, Mr Wall said: “I’ve basically lost the majority of the feeling below the knees, I have very very limited foot movement, and I am on medication for my bowel and bladder”.

Mr Wall stated that since the injury, he has undergone five major back operations, endured the breakdown of his marriage, lost his job, and struggles with constant pain. He blames the two GPs for his condition, stating that they need to be more aware of the Cauda Equina Syndrome symptoms, adding: “This is something which ruins lives”.

Mr Wall was awarded £225,000 compensation for his suffering.

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