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Dog bites most common in deprived areas

Posted in: Animal Attacks Hand Injuries Head and Brain Injuries 

A report has revealed that there are three times as many hospital admissions for dog bites in England’s most deprived areas than in the least. The report was released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, which showed Merseyside to have the highest rate of dog attacks, accounting for 6,740 admissions – a figure up 6% on the previous year. It also highlighted children to be the most common victims.

The data displayed a strong correlation between the number of dog attacks occurring, and where the attacks took place. It was found that dog attacks victims living in the 10% most deprived areas of England stood at 24.1 per 100,000 compared with 8.1 per 100,000 in the 10% least deprived areas.

More likely to suffer head injuries

The report also highlighted that dog attacks most commonly occur during the summer months, with children under the age of nine being the most likely victims.  Children are more likely to suffer head injuries, whereby teenagers and adults are more likely to experience wounds to the wrists and hands.

The report also referred to injuries caused by other animals, such as horses, cats and foxes, and found that hospital admissions for these accidents followed the same increase. Last year there were 2,700 hospital admissions, compared to 2,970 this year.

Kingsley Manning, chairman of the HSCIC, said:  “This is fascinating new data that we haven’t produced before … As we head towards the summer months, when admission rates for dog bites are at their highest, these trends may be worth further study by healthcare organisations and public sector bodies.

If you have suffered a dog or animal-related injury, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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