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Dozens trapped on thrill ride

Posted in: Public Place Accidents 

Around forty people had to be rescued from one of Chessington World of Adventures’ biggest rides yesterday after its electrics failed.  Suspended at 20ft, emergency services reached the theme park an hour after the ride’s breakdown – during which both adults and children were suspended in the air. 

‘Rameses Revenge’ is a top spin ride which suspends two rows of riders over water jets, before hurtling them to the ground.  When the electrics stopped working, an automatic safety mechanism was activated which brought the ride to a controlled stop.  Fire crews then had to cut the trapped riders out of their safety harnesses, bringing them back to safety on ladders. 

Some suffered asthma and anxiety attacks

Worried parents spectated as their panicked children hung in mid-air, some sending up water and sun cream due to the hot weather.  No major injuries were reported, yet a few suffered asthma attacks and anxiety-related trauma.  Being trapped in the harness for such a great length of time also caused a few discomforts, which the park can only apologise for. 

A statement from Chessington Park regarding the technical issue apologised for the inconvenience: “we are very sorry for any discomfort our guests experienced during the delay”. The ride will re-open again on Monday and they hope the ride will have no lasting bad reputation. The emergency safety devices and efficient assistance from fire crews has shown the park’s rides to be safe and controlled. 

If you have sustained injuries in a public place, and would like to speak to one of our lawyers, please contact us.  


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