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Grieving husband wins six-figure payout

Posted in: Medical Negligence Wrongful & Accidental Death 

A man has been awarded a six-figure payout after his wife died from a blocked artery following a routine operation. 58-year-old Nicola Tweedy, from Pulham Market, was admitted to Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital for routine surgery for varicose veins in March 2014. However, she died shortly after the operation from a blocked artery.

A spokesperson from the hospital wrote in a letter to Mrs Tweedy’s grieving husband, Chris, that they could have provided her with better treatment. Anna Dugdale, the hospital’s chief executive, offered Mr Tweedy her “sincerest apologies” and said that the hospital is “committed to continuously improving” the care provided to its patients. She added that hospital staff have learnt from this “tragedy”, and assured Mr Tweedy that changes had since been made.

Not prescribed blood-thinning medication

An inquest in March heard coroner Jacqueline Lake criticise the hospital for not prescribing Mrs Tweedy blood-thinning medication to minimise the risk of blocked arteries. A six-figure compensation package has recently been settled to support widower Chris and his grieving family.

Mr Tweedy said that he accepted the hospital’s apology and believes that they have learnt from their mistakes, but added: “Unfortunately and tragically it all went wrong for Nicky. I am lost and broken without her.

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