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Grieving mother suing Italian waterpark

Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad Car Accidents Public Place Accidents Spine & Back Injuries 

A mother is suing an Italian water park after breaking her back on a waterslide while on holiday to grieve her dead son. 45-year-old Karen Mitchener went on holiday with her family to Italy after losing her son five years ago in a car accident, aged 18. During their time in east Italy, they visited the Acquaparco Verde Azzurro water park in Marche, but the day ended when Ms Mitchener broke her back on one of the slides.

Almost five years since the accident happened, Ms Mitchener says that she still suffers with crippling pains in her back. She decided to take legal action after realising that she would possibly spend the rest of her life in pain from her injury.

Bed-bound for four months

It was heard that she had been going down a straight, but bumpy, slide when the accident happened. She was flung up into the air before crashing down onto the plastic and being thrown into the water below. Following days in hospital, she was informed that she had broken her back. She was able to return home in a specialised brace and was bed-bound for four months. Despite intense physiotherapy sessions, five years on, she is still suffering with excruciating pain.

Ms Mitchener’s lawyers stated: “We have been left with no choice but to consider the issue of court proceedings in Italy against Acquaparco Verde Azzurro as they have still not accepted liability for her accident.

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