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London schools could be sued over air pollution illness

Posted in: Public Place Accidents School Accidents 

It was announced last week that schools could face legal action if their pupils fall ill as a result of air pollution. This comes as part of the Government’s plan to meet the EU limits on air pollution, with potential payouts running into the tens of thousands.

Campaigners have argued that more than 1,000 London schools are within 150 meters of busy roads, which see the passing of at least 10,000 vehicles every day. This pollution greatly increases the risk of breathing and heart problems amongst children, something that parents could now sue over if problems persist.

A partner at a specialist environmental law practice, Andrew Wiseman, said that these claims could now be successful if there is evidence of a child’s illness caused by pollution. He said that this comes as a result of scientists recently proving the correlation between dirty air and poor health amongst children.

“local clean air zones”

Parents could sue the Government, the Town Hall, and their child’s school for not protecting their child from nitrogen dioxide and pollution produced by vehicles emitting diesel fumes. The Supreme Court has already requested the Government to produce a plan for Britain to meet the EU’s limits on NO2, which should be in place by the end of the year.

Global Action Plan, a London charity, has called for schools and hospitals to create “local clean air zones” around their premises to protect children from these harmful fumes.

If you have suffered an injury or illness at school, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.  


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