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OAP wins Starbucks payout

Posted in: Leg Injuries Public Place Accidents Restaurant Accidents Shop Accidents 

An OAP that slipped on the floor in a Midland branch of Starbucks coffee house has won a four-figure payout from the multinational chain.  Seventy-one-year-old Rosemarie Duggan from Perry Bar had been at the chain’s Bescot Retail Park outlet in Walsall when she slipped on the ‘greasy’ floor.  Mrs Duggan suffered a torn hamstring in the fall, despite other customers already having complained about the dangers of the floor condition.

Mrs Duggan was immediately taken to Sandwell General Hospital where she was provided with crutches, anti-inflammatory cream and strong analgesia following an x-ray. Having suffered for over a year with her injury, Mrs Duggan turned to personal injury lawyers who helped to help her with the accident. Starbucks has now fully accepted liability and has paid a four-figure sum to Mrs Duggan as compensation.

Struggling to walk for over a year

Following the accident, Mrs Duggan’s GP recommended a series of physiotherapy sessions to assist with her recovery as she was still in severe pain for weeks after the accident. The extent of her injury left Mrs Duggan struggling to walk for around 14 months.

Mrs Duggan said: “This could have been easily avoided if Starbucks had taken more care and put customer safety first, but I am pleased that I can now move forward with my life.”

“Starbucks admitted that they were in the wrong and we were able to secure a settlement.”

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